Coach Terry, a recipient of this year’s John Kicklighter Service Award, developed the soccer skills of kids in the Lakeside area. Before he ever played a match in collegiate soccer, Coach Terry was helping kids learn the sports he loves at the YMCA. He became a part of the “Gra-Y Program,” where he taught multiple sports such as football, basketball and soccer. The program was built around kids who were mostly in fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grade. In 1968, Tucker coached at Briarlake Elementary as his first job in the program. While at Briarlake, Terry coached with Bill Williams and then Herb Broughton who both helped him progress as a coach. Tucker had some experience playing soccer at the collegiate level, playing at both DeKalb College and Georgia State. After spending one season at DeKalb College in 1969, Tucker then spent the next two years of his collegiate career playing for the Panthers in the Georgia State soccer program. When the “Gra-Y Program” dropped soccer from its program in 1971, Tucker signed up to coach soccer in a summer league for the Echo Lakers, which practiced directly next to Lakeside High School. Coach Terry remained with the team for 12 years, from 1968-1981. In 1992, Coach Terry received an award for “Volunteer of the Year” for the Decatur-DeKalb YMCA.
Broughton, a recipient of this year’s John Kicklighter Service Award, is a graduate of St. Pius X High School and Emory University. He was a former soccer and football coach as well as a soccer referee, and was one of the first coaches for the soccer program when the Decatur-DeKalb YMCA created its program in the 1960s. He would help coach and mentor boys in soccer and he helped shape them to become exceptional players and coaches, but also great fathers and husbands. Three kids that were included in Broughton’s program helped lead Lakeside High School to its 1978 State Championship appearance. In 1981, Broughton joined the Knights of Columbus where he spent the next 33 years of his life holding a plethora of titles and positions within the organization. He was also a founding member of Council 10355. While holding the position of District Deputy, Broughton won District Deputy of the Year twice during his tenure for the Atlanta Diocese in 1987 and 1988. He served in the Georgia State Council for the Knights of Columbus and served as the State Deputy for two years from 1997 to 1999. In 2006, Broughton was appointed to Master of the Fourth Degree for the Georgia District where he held the title for four years from 2006- 2010.